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Provisional Plans

Plan Overview

To find approved courses for your plan of study, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the plan of study tab on the left.
  2. Select the college or university where you want to take the class. Approved classes are listed by prefix and course title.

If you prefer to take a course not listed on this site, you must seek written approval from your RALC Director prior to enrollment. Verbal approvals will not be honored. Click here for access to the Course Approval Form.

Courses must be taken to satisfy empty cells on your plan of study. Some competencies on your plan must be taken at a four-year university that has an approved teacher education program, while others can be met through the community college. Certain competencies can be met through your school system with professional development (CEU) credit. Your plan of study lists where each competency may be met.

With this in mind, it is important to make a plan for completing the requirements. Since certain courses are not offered each semester, it is important to contact the colleges and universities where you may take the course(s) and find out when and how the courses are offered (face-to-face, online, hybrid, etc.). Some of the institutions have provided that information and is noted on the courses tab.

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